Thursday 25 June 2015

Equalize Width/Height

In LibreOffice 5.1 I've added an equalize width/height pair of adjustments to the "shapes" submenu when multiple objects are selected. Equalize Width and Equalize Height which adjusts the width/height of the selected objects to the width/height of the last selected object.

So if you need to adjust the shapes of a bunch of little images and shapes. Adjust one, then select the lot, selecting the reference one last, and use these to update the rest of the sizes.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Impress Slide Design

Selecting multiple slides in normal view and using the slide design dialog will now affect all the selected slides as opposed to the single last selected slide in 5.1 onwards.

Friday 19 June 2015

gtk3 clipboard support implemented

Our LibreOffice gtk2 vclplug inherits from our generic X11 vclplug and so in lots of places we just continued to use our historic X11 vclplug for various things, one big example being clipboard support.

To do the same with the gtk3 vclplug would work for the case where gtk3 is backed by X11, but not if backed by wayland. So we needed to implement cut and paste with the gtk3 apis.

X clipboard/selection/cut and paste is errr... "tricky", so it was a bit of a death march to drag myself to the keyboard to go about this. But it turns out the gtk clipboard apis are really good and its reasonably easy to get it up and running. So the LibreOffice gtk3 vclplug now has clipboard support.

Last major thing is to get gtk3 gstreamer integration working for video playback and then it's mopping up territory.

Monday 8 June 2015

impress, format, character, font-effects, Capitals

Added All-Caps character effects to impress/draw (for 5-1 onwards).