Converting LibreOffice dialogs to .ui format, 54 conversions remaining
We've now converted all but 54 of LibreOffice’s classic fixed widget size and position .src format elements to the GtkBuilder .ui format. This is due to the much appreciated efforts of Palenik Mihály and Szymon Kłos, two of our GSOC2014 students, who are tackling the last bunch of hard to find or hard to convert ones.Current conversion stats are:
778 .ui files currently exist
There are 20 unconverted dialogs
There are 34 unconverted tabpages
An estimated additional 54 .ui are required
We are 93% of the way through.
Coverity Defect Density: LibreOffice vs Average
to Coverity's overview dashboard our current status is:
LibreOffice: 9,425,526 line of code and 0.09 defect density
Open Source Defect Density By Project Size
Note: Defect density is measured by the number of defects per 1,000 lines of code, identified by the Coverity platform. The numbers shown above are from our 2013 Coverity Scan Report, which analyzed 250 million lines of open source code.
Line of Code (LOC) Defect Density Less than 100,000 0.35 100,000 to 499,999 0.5 500,000 to 1 million 0.7 More than 1 million 0.65