My WAC700′s hard drive died a while ago, and my efforts to find a disk image I could use to clone a replacement didn’t pan out, leaving me with three useless WAS700 stations which I wanted to reuse as generic stations playing back from a software ps3mediaserver solution. But the blasted stations were configured to use some now long-dead wifi configuration I wasn’t using anymore and they need the station in order to be reconfigured to use a new wiki config.This thread looked promising, but no success

On the other hand the source for the WAC700 is available from philips, so with a bit of digging it turns out the WEP key for the WAS700 ad-hoc installation mode network WASC700-INST is PHILIPS123XYZ and not Philips123ABC or PhilipsABC123
With the right key, then the WAC700 emulator works wonderfully to reconfigure the stations, and then they can easily find and playback from the ps3mediaserver via auxillary input->select server.
1. wget http://www.p4c.philips.com/files/w/wac700_05/wac700_05_osf_eng.tgz
2. tar xf wac700_05_osf_eng.tgz
3. strings src_release_r4258_6720_1.2.10_en/linux/work/has/appfs/resources/fpm_firmware/20060221_was5_code_IVT1.2.10_release.rom|grep PHILIPS